Microsoft Excel 97/2000 and Microsoft Word 97/2000

Microsoft Office 97/2000 encryption is significantly stronger than previous
versions. Consequently, different approaches to document recovery need to be
taken. We use two methods to recover your Excel 97/2000 or Word 97/2000 document.
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Dictionary Attack

The method allows to find the original password.
We will try approximately one million of commonly used passwords and all
possible character combinations up to 6 characters in length. It will take
around one hour. Trying more lengthly passwords will take unreasonable amount
of time. This method works in 75% of cases. If we fail to recover
the password with this method, we will use our second method that gives
100% chance of recovery.
Guaranteed Recovery

The method doesn't allow us to find original passwords. However, it guarantees
100% password recovery for your document. The trick is that the method doesn't
attempt to find all possible passwords. Instead, it tests for possible key
combinations. The keyspace is 40 bit in length, so there are 1099511627776 of
possible keys total. We try each key, one by one, until we find the one that
match your password and allows us to open the file. This method recovers
a binary key; we never recover the actual password, but we are able to remove
password protection using this key. To achieve the fastest turnaround time we
use our unique distributed network application that runs simultaneously on over
50 high-performance computers.